Credit cards are necessary for almost everyone since living expenses are never constant and everyone requires more spending capacity. If you have applied for a credit card, you can check your credit card application status and track it. Many card issuers and banks let clients check credit card application status through their sites. You can also track your application via offline methods like visiting the bank branch or calling their customer care number. Here are some ways in which you can track your application status.
What Do You Need To Check Your Application Status?
You can check your credit card application status online. Issuers and banks require some information to let you check your status. When checking your status, you need the following mentioned items, so prepare them before checking your status.
1. Application number or reference number. You get this number after you have submitted your credit card application.
2. Registered contact number. This is the number you would have provided when you applied for the credit card.
3. PAN
4. Date of birth
How to Check Credit Card Application Status?
The credit card processing period varies between credit card issuers and banks. The process of tracking the application status also differs between banks. However, most issuers follow a standard procedure. Here is the standard procedure –
1. Track your credit card application online
Card issuers and banks have made tracking application statuses convenient for clients by making the process online. You can easily track your card application status by following the below-mentioned steps. These steps apply to most banks and NBFCs in India. However, some banks may have a different process for tracking their application status.
- Visit your bank’s website. For example, if you have applied to Bajaj Finserv for a credit card, then visit their official site
- Select the credit card option and choose ‘Track Application Status’
- Submit all the details asked by the site to track your application status
- Once you have entered all the relevant information, the website will provide you with your application status.
2. Track your application offline
You can check your application status by offline methods. Here are the offline methods you can use-
a. Visit the Branch
You can visit your bank’s branch to track your application status. The customer care executive at the bank will probably ask for your registered contact number and application number.
b. Customer Care
You can contact the card issuer through their customer care service and track your application. The customer care executive may ask for your reference number or application number to check your status and call you back. Some banks even offer a dedicated number specifically for credit card related queries.
c. SMS
Some banks offer application status checks through SMS. Send an SMS in the required format to their number, and they will revert through SMS with your status. The message must be sent using the registered mobile number.
You must check your credit card application status to know your chances of obtaining a credit card and its timeline. You can easily track your status by using either offline or online methods. Most issuers and banks often take around a week or two weeks to process applications. It may take longer if you have submitted the wrong documents or if your application was put on hold due to unmentioned reasons.
If the process of applying for a credit card confuses you, you can apply with Bajaj Finserv for the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit card, where a representative will call you and guide you through the process of documentation and application. You must always save the reference number issued to you after submitting your credit card application. However, if you lose it, you can always use your registered contact number to recover your reference or application number.