How To Carry An Artwork Safely While Travelling

You have been on a great vacation to the Down Under, and now it’s time for you to return. While you may not have planned to buy Australian art while on holiday, you certainly have to plan on preserving it while travelling. Depending on your mode of transportation and the type of art you have purchased, there are numerous precautions you can take to ensure a longer lifespan of creative pieces.

Careful Packing

The first thing to consider when travelling with art is packing it the right way. You might ruin the exceptional work you purchased without factoring in the following variables.

#1 Size

The size of the artwork is crucial in deciding how it needs to be packed and transported. Smaller and lighter works can be wrapped up and placed carefully in the suitcase if you can manage it. However, larger and heavier art needs more room and you may have to send it with the luggage. In that case, the art needs additional protection. Most of the time, it is better to avail of shipping or other commercial services to transport your art across long distances.  

#2 Material

Regardless of the material, crating is one of the best ways you can implement to pack your art for transportation. However, before placing it in a crate, based on the flexibility of the material, you need to cover the canvas, sculpture, or photograph. If the material is highly flexible, stiff protective packaging is the way to go. On the other hand, if the art is fragile or rigid, opt for packaging that pads the piece against pressure.

#3 Age

Depending on how old the artwork is, you must be more careful while packing it. In paintings with flaking paint or a fragile canvas, wrapping the work is highly unadvised. It is always prudent to place it in a container that does not allow the work to jostle or come in contact with any surface. Remember to add styrofoam or some springy materials to protect the work from undue forces.

Protection From Moisture

Protecting art from damp and moist conditions is a never ending mission for art owners. Whether you bought the piece to decorate your walls or as an investment, moisture and mould do not discriminate. Before transporting your art, ensure that it has at least one layer of waterproof protection. It would be best if you took care to ensure they work in case of an unfortunate water damage incident.

Customs and Reports

Some countries have more stringent laws regarding what can be taken in and out of their borders. To be on the safer side, research laws regarding transporting artworks and file any documents for the same, if necessary. 

Use Commercial Carriers

Carrying artworks with you on the journey can be a hassle travelling long distances. So, after you buy Australian art, the best thing you can do is to hire a commercial shipping or freight service to drop the piece at your doorstep. Commercial services keep the art intact, and the goods they transport are insured against water and other damages. 

Final Thoughts

Art is certainly a great way to get to know a culture. Art lets you have a piece of the new culture you experienced and can be memorabilia for the wonderful time you had while on vacation. Just like you will cherish the memories, remember to handle the art carefully. Travel safely!