What You Need to Know Before Buying a Gaming PC

A gaming PC is a powerful, specially designed personal computer that lets you play games at the highest standard. The main difference between a gaming PC and a personal one is that the first uses high-performance video cards and top-class processors.

If you want to play AAA games and have an immersive gaming experience, you need a dedicated PC that handles the game requirements. Here are some tips on things you need to consider before choosing your next gaming PC.


A good gaming PC can vary from $500 to a whopping $5000 for the latest hardware. It all depends on your budget and how much you are willing to spend on gaming. A gaming PC with top-notch components can last for a couple of years. It’s best to spend more from the beginning to secure high-performance components.

A gaming PC that starts at $500 will be capable of playing old games and games that don’t require high-end graphics. It works if you do not need to play games at the highest resolution or quality. However, big-name games won’t be playable on this PC, or if they are, they will lag and freeze.

From $1500 to $2000, you can get a decent gaming computer that enables you to play games at high resolution, possibly including in 4k. It works if you do not want to compromise on image quality and want to be able to play the newest games.

Graphics Card

The graphics card or the video card is the main component for a gaming PC. Thus, it should be the first consideration when buying a gaming PC. The newest graphics cards are highly sophisticated components capable of performing millions of calculations to ensure they can render high-quality images for display.

Since they are some of the most expensive components for your gaming PC, it’s salient to know what to look for in a graphics card for maximum performance. You can play games at a minimum resolution of 1080p, but experts recommend going for video cards that can render at 4k. Look for the most powerful GPU for your budget and GPU RAM, as these will be harder to replace.


The CPU is the main component that executes commands. If you buy a powerful CPU, it will be capable of performing tasks at great speed. The majority of CPUs have between four and eight cores for high-performance. 

RAM or Random Access Memory is the short-term computer memory. The more RAM, the better your computer will perform. Lenovo gaming NUCs come with high-performance RAM, with 16GB of memory for a great gaming experience. A personal PC works well with 8GB RAM, but it won’t perform with the newest games. The 16GB of memory is more than enough to ensure a smooth gaming performance while playing the AAA games.

Investing in a good gaming PC right from the start will save you the trouble of upgrading some components over the years. Manage your budget accordingly, so you can spend more on the main components for gaming and less on items that aren’t as important.