How to write a great essay? How do you avoid common mistakes?

An essay is a brief but maximally informative message from the author about the essence of a given topic and the question within it. Like any other type of student assignment, it is important to know in advance what an essay is and how to write it according to the requirements. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact Writingapaper to succeed in your studies. Professional writers help students with their academic papers every day.

What is an essay and what does it give schoolchildren and students?

What is an essay, what should be in it, and how to format it – these are the most popular questions among students. An essay is a written work of a student, within which the author states the essence of the problem, can use different opinions and examples, and already shares his point of view.

If you are contemplating how to create such a paper on the computer, as well as in which program it can be typed, no tricks to wait for. An electronic version is created using the office program Word on a personal computer, also the teacher can accept a handwritten version.

Now let’s talk about why this type of independent work is necessary for the student. A project on any topic teaches how to work with different literature and sources, competently analyze information, identify current issues and express their own opinion on the subject. 

Requirements for the essay

The preparation of an essay always requires from the performer maximum independence and intellectual work. To begin with, the question of what topic you can write a research paper on is thought over, after that the literature and information are selected, and based on this, the structure is made. It is equally important to know the basic requirements for the design of the text so that at the end of the work does not have to edit everything from the beginning.

Plan and structure are similar terms, but the meaning is slightly different. In the first case, we are talking about all the paragraphs and subparagraphs of a written assignment, in the second – the key parts that make up the student’s work. 

Obligatory components of the structure will be:

  • Introduction is a brief excursus on the forthcoming speech, the desire to interest the listeners, the formulation of the relevance of the topic, the importance, the purpose, and the objectives of the work.
  • The main part – the student tells each part of the project according to the plan, namely, research methods, theory, hypotheses, and actions, due to which the results were obtained. Perhaps, the student has new information that can be mentioned at this stage.
  • The conclusion is the author briefly goes through the key problems of the topic, and the methods involved and demonstrate the results and outcomes. After that, the presentation is considered over.

How should you write an essay?

How do you start your essay work? You can sketch out a template of what the paper should consist of:

  • selecting a topic in the discipline;
  • preparing sources and gathering information;
  • making a plan;
  • summarizing;

Choosing a topic

Most often, students are offered several essay topics to choose from, less often the instructor tailors the assignments to each student individually. Here are some valuable tips for selecting a topic:

Get instructions from the instructor, and study the assignment to get the gist of it. More often than not, the instructions will already outline the issues you need to cover in the report. 

Choose a topic for the project that will be interesting and accessible to you. If the instructor has set the topic himself, find those questions to consider and solve that would be interesting to the audience and you.

Let the topic be original and exciting, capturing the audience’s attention from the first minutes of the presentation. The issues at hand mustn’t be addressed by other students and their projects.

If the topic is too difficult, talk to the instructor for a change. It’s better than you trying to curb something you can’t handle.

Use different kinds of literature – online, textbooks, scholarly articles, tutorials, etc. But above all, make sure the information is reliable before you take it as a basis.

In any important project, a weighty stage of execution is preparation. How to prepare an essay?

Think through the style of delivering the information to the audience to attract and hold attention from the beginning to the end of the essay. Sketch out the main thoughts on a draft to visually assess the quality of the work, and then uncover interesting thoughts, argue, and make suggestions and techniques for solving problems.

As you create your draft, it will become much easier to structure your research. Draw on the general terms and rules, eliminating the superfluous, but also introducing the important.

If you have already prepared the thesis statement around which the research will revolve, you can move on to the next task. It depends on both the chosen topic and the problems identified. To make it easier to compose the first and last paragraph, start with the main part. And already after that, you will surely understand how to write a successful essay introduction and the conclusion.


The introduction is the face of your project, a brief message to the viewer as motivation for further reading. Be sure to state your topic and purpose.

It is good if in the introduction you prove the relevance of the issue at hand. 

The main part(body)

The body of the research paper is the definition of the main part, where the theory on a given topic, and the main idea should be presented. In simple language, the main thesis is outlined and around it builds the structure. 


Following the order of the structure of the essay (and any other work of the student), then it is necessary to summarize the theoretical part. The author can specify the topic, the period or problem considered, the identified features and shortcomings, thoughts and inferences, applicable methods, and experiments.

Typical mistakes

To prepare the project excellently, prevent the typical mistakes that most students most often make. For example:

  • carelessness in design;
  • non-observance of the structure, sequence of elements of the plan;
  • lack of logic in the presentation;
  • citing information, concepts, and information not related to the topic;
  • categorical criticism of theories, and concepts;

Practice shows that the success of such a student’s work directly depends on 3 key criteria – literacy, uniqueness, and academic writing style.

In our article, you have learned all the necessary information about how to write an essay correctly. To begin with, attention is paid to the requirements for the structure and design, then you can read valuable tips on how to choose a topic and make a plan, and what parts the structure should be made of. Be sure to listen to the advice on what mistakes you should not make. You can download examples of works on the desired discipline to use as a template. We recommend the paper writing service reddit for help in writing any work! A lot of authors are ready to do any work professionally and quickly.