4 Popular Niches for Starting a Profitable Blog


A blog niche is the overarching goal of your blog and the subject around which all of your material will be concentrated.

This is a crucial question for any prospective blogger since it may make or ruin their blogging career. Even if simply going through the motions and writing on whatever strikes one’s heart is a choice, this is not a long-term practical choice.

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How you can pick your desired niche 

As we all got to know that blogging isn’t an easy task but t’s, not even rocket science as well. So, for picking up our topic blogger needs to be serious head to toe. If someone is good at photography blogging, he should continue with that. Similarly, if someone is good at telling stories they should continue with it and 1000s of options are available out there. Just be careful about your interest and word choices. If you found out about your category of interest, then work on it with all your heart. 

Here are some popular niches that you can work on to get a profit out of it 

  1. Fitness and health

During the COVID pandemic, many individuals had little choice except to exercise at home, therefore online fitness programs grew in popularity. If you’re a health expert, you may capitalize on this expanding trend by launching your fitness blog. Because of the essence of this market, you aren’t limited to only creating blog entries. You may generate a wide range of material, including exercise videos, fitness classes, and training classes.

There are several ways to generate money in this field. You may collaborate with manufacturers to advertise items like exercise equipment and clothes. You can get a channel subscription from this blogging style or even can get on a TV program. 

  1. Food blogging 

Food is indeed an everlasting topic that also happens to be one of the greatest successful blog themes. It also supplies a variety of sub-niches to investigate, ranging from fast and simple meals to feedback on particular diets.

Home cooking is a cuisine theme that has grown in popularity in recent years. In fact, during the epidemic, demand for online cookery lessons increased by more than 1,177 percent.

When it came to marketing, you have several choices to consider. For example, you may collaborate with food businesses to develop recipes that use their goods. You may sell your recipe book or conduct live-streamed kitchen courses if you want to create a passive income from your site.

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  1. Blogs on female rights 

These types of blogs are about all the rights females should have in society. They enlighten how in today’s world women are limited to householding, domestic violence, prone to all types of abuses, and many more socially discriminated issues. If we talk about Islam, we get to know How Hazrat Khadija (RA) was a business Woman, and Amra bint Abdur Rahman was a jurist and hadith scholar. Ashifa bint Abdullah was the first Muslim market inspector and there are many examples. This all tells that our Islam is not what today’s people portray it. It was kind and full of equality. 

With the right knowledge of feminism, one can pursue this blogging style and earn the rights and profit for oneself. If we further talk about monetization bloggers can get hired in NGOs, working firms for female rights, and can get work for social media through awareness talk and motivation. 

  1. Personal care and mental health awareness 

In recent years, personality shaping has become a widespread trend. People have become more aware of their mental health as a result of these exceptional times, resulting in a greater interest in personal growth and welfare.

If you’re a professional psychologist, health coach, or counselor, you should think about working in the self-care business. You can write on anything, from morning rituals and coping with stress to mindfulness meditation and journaling.

Author Bio

Muhammad Junaid is a Senior Analyst, Search Engine Expert, and CEO of Rank Higher. Extensive experience in SEO, Analytics, Research, and Blogging. Work for years with local and international enterprises for 7+ years. Also, represent well-known brands in the UAE.