Are you looking for a good Wi-Fi system or router that will boost the network range and coverage in your office or at home setup? There are many things to consider when choosing a router, you want to ensure that you find one that is easy to use, simple to install, and easy to manage and maintain as well. There are routers which have been upgraded to incorporate interactive interfaces which make using them and customising them to suit your business needs much easier.

As a business, security and dependability are two of the most important things to consider when you look at a router – you want to know that the remote access to the network is safe and secure, has different options for connectivity, provides the ability to scale up or down, and has things like a business grade VPN or WAN capabilities. We will discuss in detail the things you should be considering when you are deciding on a wireless router to use for your business. Your businesses network is truly the backbone of your company – it is critical to getting certain tasks done on time and in the right ways, and helps to keep your business and its customers connected with one another at all times, without a good network, your business is very likely to fail.

If you are a business owner wondering where you can find the expertise to help you get your business running the way it should be, then we know what you need. Any business who makes use of the internet to get their tasks and operations done, needs the help and support from an IT Support Company. Say for example you are working in London, then there are award-winning providers of IT Support in London who have helped so many businesses to evolve their IT setup and networks – they know how to look for the right deals on technology and devices and are able to even get you great deals on certain items too. Having an IT Support Partner will ensure that your business buys the perfect router, has the professional help to set it up the way you need and want it to be setup, and has access to great IT Support whenever your teams need help with anything.

Let’s take a look at 7 of the things you should always consider when purchasing a wireless router for your company:

  1. What it is that your staff and customers do on your network – their daily tasks and how your customers interact with your website for example.  
  2. The coverage that a device will provide you with – do you need a lot of square footage or just a little?
  3. What the size of your company is and how many users you have – this will determine your bandwidth and speed needs.
  4. Where will the router be located and setup and who will be setting it up and configuring it?
  5. Consider the kinds of security measures and controls you will need to implement and ensure the router is capable of this.
  6. What are the controls and restrictions in place in terms of people connecting to your network? Especially outside people with uncontrolled, personal devices.
  7. Finally, consider the cost of the router as well as how often there are releases and updates for the particular model you are looking at.

If you are a business owner, no matter how big or small your business may be, it is always a good idea and good practice to put time and consideration into any new technology that you implement. You will certainly need to do your own research and look at which devices and tools would work best for your business and setup in order to make a decision on the best router for you – but once you find one that works, you’ll be set for the long run and be very happy.